Social dialogue

Combatting the demographic challenge in the insurance sector. A selection of initiatives in Europe


The European insurance and reinsurance sector is facing a significant challenge as its workforce is getting older and many employees are approaching retirement age.

On their own initiative, insurance and intermediary companies have introduced many measures to attract and retain talent. And on their side, social partners at company and sectoral level have also developed an impressive number of innovative and effective tools to make insurance an even more dynamic and attractive sector in which to work.

This booklet presents a sample of the many original good practices already introduced in the insurance industry and addresses the three issues covered by the Joint Statement adopted by the European insurance social partners in January 2010: work/life balance, lifelong learning, and health and safety at work. It offers examples of practices that have been selected for their innovation, originality and effectiveness in increasing the attractiveness of the insurance sector and the employability of individuals already working in the sector.

The original English booklet was translated in the following languages:

  • Bulgarian
  • Croation
  • Czech
  • French
  • German
  • Hungarian
  • Polish
  • Romanian